6 juillet / July 6
13 juillet / July 13
20 juillet / July 20
27 juillet / July 27
3 août / August 3
10 août / August 10
17 août / August 17
24 août / August 24
31 août / August 31
Chaque spectacle débute à 19 h. Les spectacles ont lieu à la salle paroissiale de Mont-Carmel.
Each show starts at 7 p.m. Shows are taking place at the Mont-Carmel Parish Hall.
Médias sociaux / Social Media
Here is the programming for this year (please see the poster below):
Sunday, July 8
Sponsored by Ocean 100
La famille de Allan à Joe et Marguerite Gallant (Tanya Gallant, Allan Gallant, Claudette Gallant, Marguerite Gallant and Ryan Gallant)
Adyn Townes (NB)
Cynthia MacLeod
Stepdancing – Alex Arsenault and Ashley Richard
Sunday, July 15
Sponsored by Atlantic Lottery
Josiane Comeau (NB)
Ian Foster (NL)
Keelin Wedge
Stepdancing – Lydia Arsenault, Alexandra Mitchell, Isabelle Richards and Maddie Richards
Sunday, July 22
Sponsored by KKP
Albert Arsenault, Mona Arsenault and Louise Arsenault
Christina Martin (NS)
Melissa Gallant, Megan Bergeron and Rémi
Stepdancing – Les Stepettes (Emily Arsenault, Katherine Arsenault, Gabrielle Gallant, Keera Gallant and Danika Richard)
Sunday, July 29
Sponsored by The Co-operators - Mike Bradley Insurance Services Ltd.
Imagine! (Alice Bérubé, Marie Arsenault and Paula Arsenault)
Christian « Kit » Goguen and Louise Vautour (NB)
Jessica Rhaye (NB)
Peter Arsenault & Family
Stepdancing – Maria and Thomas Arsenault
Sunday, August 5
This concert is presented in partnership with the Atlantic Fiddlers' Jamboree, the Fédération culturelle de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard and APA (Atlantic Presenters Association)
Daniel Goguen (NB)
Troy MacGillivray (NS)
Ryan Cook (NS)
Ivan and Vivian Hicks (NB)
Stepdancing – Isabelle & Danielle Saunders
Sunday, August 12
This concert is presented in partnership with le Conseil scolaire-communautaire Évangéline and RADARTS
Maggie Savoie (NB)
Kim Wempe (NS)
Louise Arsenault and the Joe Narcisse Family
Stepdancing – Les Joe Narcisse
Sunday, August 19
Sponsored by Township Chevrolet
Caroline Bernard and Anique Granger (QC)
Meaghan Blanchard
Kendra MacGillivray (NS)
Stepdancing – Kaylee Arsenault
Sunday, August 26
Sponsored by Maritime Electric
Calixte Duguay (NB)
Tara MacLean and Dennis Ellsworth
Miller | MacDonald | Cormier (Ben Miller, Anita MacDonald and Zakk Cormier) (NS)
Stepdancing – Mélodie Jordan